Songwriting Workshops
Our first annual Washougal Songcraft Festival will feature a collaborative songwriting workshop on Sunday, August 13, at 2 pm in Washougal.
This event will begin with brief talks from established songwriters from our festival and community, followed by a song circle where every attendee has a chance to play part or all of a song and receive feedback from the group. You can also just listen to the songs shared if you’re not ready to share your own.
This event is all-ages and we especially encourage students to participate! All levels are welcome from complete beginners who have never written a song to those with well-established voices and techniques to share.
There is no charge for this event, but we will accept donations at the event to cover expenses. ($5 – $10 per attendee recommended and appreciated, but not required!)
The location is the Sunset Ridge Clubhouse, 776 Sunset Ridge Drive, Washougal, WA, 98671.
To help us prepare for the event we ask that you please register using the form below. You can also RSVP on our Facebook event.